Autumn Equinox
Dear readers,
Blessings of the Autumn Equinox to you!
I love this time of year so much..... We sit on the final balance point (Libra) that hereafter tips us over into the dark half of the Wheel of the Year. It's such an evocative season, full of sights, scents and little pleasures that quicken the blood.
My shamanic sight sees inner sanctuaries and harkens imagery to mind of the long cold months ahead and the bright lights of bonfires that gladden the greying skies... The pumpkin soups and snuggling down in cosy blankets, firelight, long walk through piles of crunchy fallen leaves, sewing and weaving projects, warm socks and gloves, long dark nights for dreaming and resting.
I have some very clear practical goals to see me through this 'drawing in' time... I find having a focus always makes the time fly by.
Bendithion! Blessings of beauty and mystery, Catherine Athena xo