Two Little Words 2016 -- When One is simply not enough
Dear readers and friends,
If you've been following me for a while, you've probably noticed I like to chose a one word mantra as each year begins that acts as a guiding light and brings a certain energy and intentional flow in for that whole year… It's often referred to as 'One Little Word' and was launched by Ali Edwards back in 2006.
And so rather than setting resolutions for the New Year, I have found I much prefer this way of 'dreaming out loud' as it sets a clear theme and focus for my 12 months ahead.
I've been doing this since 2012 when I launched in on a mission to be 'Brave' (blogging and sharing my art online), then 2013 saw me being 'Expressive', 2014 was a 'Happiness' revolution that didn't go quite as expected, and in fact turned into a year where I got to see my shadow up very close. Last year was 'Enjoy'
This year I'm encircling my Soul and life with Two Words -- because one just simply wasn't enough! ….and I've really taken my time this January and early February to just 'be' and sit with these words, journaled around them and about them, letting their power wash over me, before I share them openly with you all.
Miracles and Sovereignty.
And so far, already, just one month in, I'm enjoying a close encounter with the Miraculous… all sorts of things I once thought would be Impossible have begun to be 'I'm Possible' and I'm really learning more and more about what it feels like to be in my own power, self sufficient, self reliant, under my own self-rule and guardianship, holding a space of clear and healthy boundaries.
Today just happens to be Chinese New Year and we welcome in the very 'yang' year of the bold and super intelligent Fire Monkey… a year that promises to be exciting and spontaneous for those who are willing to put themselves out there and stake their claim on the world and in their Life. S/he who dares wins!
Be bold, be daring, be uncompromising in your joy!
Blessing of mystery,
Catherine Athena xo
• • •My journey through the senses• • •
taste:: Wild Flower Honey -the perfect remedy-treat for a sweet toothed me
smell:: Sandalwood incense cones
touch:: My feet on the floor - fully embodied, fully present.
see:: 'Milk' ~ Sean Penn as Harvey Milk - completely incredible. A must see film!
hear:: David Bowie - all his albums
think:: The tide is turning (in so many ways)
feel:: Deeply inspired to follow my own path
read:: C.G. Jung ~ 'Memories, Dreams and Reflections'
intuit:: A life-changing adventure is just days away
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